Monday, August 12, 2019

365: Youth Day

August 12 is International Youth Day. It is a day that is dedicated to assessing our investment in and commitment to youth. To celebrate, we went outside and did some structured (and unstructured play).
For structured play, Quinn (20 months), Jude (~15 months), and Liz (10.5) played in a dry water table. Quinn and Jude could have been amused for hours just scooping, dumping, and sifting through the dry materials (I'll post the materials below).
For unstructured play, Quinn and Jude gravitated toward the cozy coupes. Jude has been working on walking some and pumping up his gross motor skills, so he spent a long time working on getting in and out of the car over and over and pushing the car around. The repetition of that gross motor function has been really helpful to Jude. By the end of the day, he was able to get in and out without any assistance! The more practice the better!
Liz, Jude, and Quinn also played games with kickballs and moved them around the backyard. During unstructured play, I like to give the babies as much space as possible to do whatever they want. I think that independence has helped Jude a lot with his curiosity!
1. Pom Poms
2. Dried pasta (assorted) 
3. Foam magnetic letters
4. Learning Resources Sensory Tools

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