January 1 marked the first day of Jude and my New Year's resolution: to celebrate one odd holiday every day. January 1 is Polar Bear Plunge Day, so to avoid dunking a 7 month old in ice water, we opted to do a Polar Bear Plunge with Little People.
This activity also doubled as a late edition of Messy Monday. The ice water made for a great sensory activity. It was such a simple activity, and Jude loved it. I took a dishpan, filled it with ice water, and let Jude splash around. There was a little trial and error with the correct bowl size, but ultimately a large, flat container did the trick. It was low enough for him to get into it and large enough for it to be too heavy for him to flip.

We talked a little bit about what a Polar Bear Plunge is while I showed him what it would look like if his Little People were actually participating in the Plunge. After a few times modeling that, I just let him play. Jude learned that if you splash hard, the water will hit your face. The photo to the right was taken moments after he learned what happens when he bashes Mr. Moo into the water. We both had a good laugh.

It was fun to watch him explore the ice water. Half of the Little People floated and half did not, and we were able to have an impromptu conversation about floating because of it. This activity made me all too excited for all of the sensory water activities that we can do this summer!
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