Thursday, January 24, 2019

365: Peanut Butter Day

January 24 is Peanut Butter Day. To celebrate the day, Jude played with homemade peanut butter play-doh. It was a quick, fun, and easy sensory activity that allowed him to explore the smell, texture, and taste of peanut butter while also allowing him to practice his dexterity.

There are many recipes on the internet for peanut butter play-doh, but they use honey. I wanted a baby friendly version, so I found that cornstarch can give a similar effect without the risk of honey before one. We used a toy cat, potato masher, and cookie cutter to play with the dough! The instructions for the peanut butter play-doh are below.
1 cup peanut butter (creamy)
2 cups cornstarch

1. Using a large bowl, combine 1 cup of peanut butter with 1 cup cornstarch 
2. Use a large spoon or your hands to mix 
3. Pour the remainder of the cornstarch in a little bit at a time and mix together
4. Refrigerate for an hour
5. Play! 

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